Structures Congress 2022

I moderated a session at the ASCE SEI Structural Congress in Atlanta, Georgia in April 2022. The session was titled “Business of BIM: Common Pain Points in a Digital Design Revolution” that consisted of a panel discussion on 3 topics of importance to practicing engineers and firms.

  • Technology
    • How are you managing the changing toolset?
    • How are you leveraging data?
    • What buzzword is worthy of focus over the next year?
  • Practice Management
    • How do you manage a BIM project?
    • How are new tools impacting team communication?
    • How is a multi-office (or work-from-home) environment affecting your practice?
    • How are current production tools (beyond digital drafting) impacting your practice?
  • People
    • Who does what (with the BIM)?
    • Is the skill set required for SE changing?
    • How to drive change in your organization?

The discussion was very interesting and we had several people staying after the session to continue the discussion (always a good indicator).