
TT defense at IAVM Conference

I had the opportunity to lead the development of Thornton Tomasetti’s presence at the 2017 International Association of Venue Managers in Nashville Tennessee. TT was in the process of expanding our security offerings to include broader threat and vulnerability assessments (TVRA) as well as additional security offerings beyond blast protection[…]

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2019 TT Annual Report

I had the honour of being featured in the 2019 Thornton Tomasetti (TT) Annual Report. The theme of the report was Vitality and as a result, the report centered on several ways in which TT is striving to be an enduring organization. I contributed the article on Vitality and a[…]

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Fusion Center Conference

In October 2019, I presented to the Washington State Fusion Center Crime and Safety Conference in Leavenworth, Washington. My presentation was in two parts: Thornton Tomasetti’s evolving security capabilities from primarily blast-hardening to more general security and risk assessment and mitigation As part of the evolving security capabilities, I presented[…]

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SecureWorld Presentation

In November 2018, I had the opportunity to present to a large group at the SecureWorld conference in Bellevue, Washington. My talk was titled, “Does building geometry affect active shooter outcomes?” I’m happy to report that there was significant interest in the research based on active shooter simulation and I[…]

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DHS SAFETY Act Automation

PROBLEM We were studying the SAFETY Act as part of our expansion of security and risk management offerings in our Protective Design and Security practice. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has a very informative website but the information on SAFETY Act approved technologies and their certification level (Designation, Designation[…]

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GWU Active Shooter Research

My doctoral studies at George Washington University centered on this question Does building geometry affect active shooter outcomes? The backdrop of this study is the rise in active shooter incidents and other low-tech attacks on both civilian and government targets of various types. While the official active shooter data shown[…]

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GWU R&D Showcase: Active Shooter

In February 2018, I presented at the George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science Research and Development Showcase. My poster presentation featured my research on active shooter simulation up to that point. As a result, it outlined the background and methodology but did not have the results of[…]

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TSA Headquarters

DESCRIPTION I supported the new Operational and Technical Security Team (now Protective Design and Security) at Thornton Tomasetti on the tenant fit-out and security design of the new headquarters for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The development houses an office building, parking garage, and a walkable-secured site. The office structure[…]

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Non-Profit Website Development

PROBLEM Infragard is an FBI-affiliated non-profit that is focused on improving critical infrastructure security through collaboration and information sharing between the private sector and federal and local agencies. In 2017, I joined the leadership team of the Evergreen (Seattle) chapter and, and led the creation of a new website. We[…]

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ISSA Journal Cover Article

I published an article that was featured on the cover of the May 2016 edition of the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA) Journal. In the article (backup link), I discuss the threat of cybercrime and data breaches to organizations. The article opens with a discussion of the economics of data[…]

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