Weight Plate Storage


I needed somewhere to store my weight plates. I had previously been storing them as a pile on the floor but that didn’t sit well with my organizational tendencies, was getting hard to clean around, and was it was difficult to sort through the pile mid-workout. I had both rubber-coated and steel plates and wanted to keep them separate while allowing for some additional space for new plates.

I also had a partially used sheet of plywood from a bathroom remodel project taking up space in the garage.


Build a 3D Revit model to see if there was enough plywood to build a storage solution to reasonably organize the weight plates and miscellaneous equipment. I made a parametric family for both the rubber plates and the steel plates. I was then able to explore a few different layout options to see if there was a feasible solution. Once I had settled on a solution, I planned out each cut of the plywood sheet before I actually started cutting.

Model once -> measure twice -> cut once -> no waste!


  • Weight plates are well organized
  • Extra space in the boxes accommodates miscellaneous equipment thus freeing shelf space
  • Accommodated additional 45lb bumper plates