Non-Profit Website Development


Infragard is an FBI-affiliated non-profit that is focused on improving critical infrastructure security through collaboration and information sharing between the private sector and federal and local agencies. In 2017, I joined the leadership team of the Evergreen (Seattle) chapter and, and led the creation of a new website. We wanted the website to have a refreshed look and to drive engagement with the membership of the chapter through the sharing of relevant information.


Developed a responsive WordPress powered website with relevant content on:

  • the purpose of the organizations
  • opportunities to contribute and to join
  • organization partnerships
  • training opportunities and discounts
  • upcoming events and news on past events


The website has become a central resource for the chapter leadership to connect with the growing membership of ~1000 professionals. The website presented a more professional face and played a role in recruiting new support as well as advertising new sponsors. The website continues to be used today by the next cohort of Infragard leaders.